The Power of Her Submission (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

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  “Just because I’m not in the right frame of mind to have wild sex tonight, at least not with a stranger,” Nick said, “doesn’t mean you two can’t find someone.”

  “I’m all for calling it a night,” Toby said.

  “We’ll discuss Brianna once we’ve had a chance to sleep on it like Toby said. For now let’s get back to our guests.” Teddy stood up. “Agreed?”

  “Agreed,” Nick said pushing himself out of the chaise.

  Toby stood slowly and watched his brothers join their guests. This was not like Nick, and as much as he wanted Brianna, it scared him that Nick was acting like a love-sick puppy. He had never seen his brother react to a woman like this before. Funny, it was always Nick that had put things in perspective with women when he or Teddy had gotten carried away. He wasn’t used to being the one to be cautious. However, with Brianna, he had a feeling that it would be him and Teddy that would have to be the voice of reason. They were treading on dangerous ground, but she could say no. He didn’t want her to. The thought of being with her excited him. He couldn’t deny his attraction, but he also couldn’t deny that they could be making a huge mistake. They would have to be totally honest with her. If she relapsed because of them, they would never forgive themselves.

  The following couple of weeks were busy ones for him and his brothers, and the party of Brianna’s seduction, as he had come to think of it, had to be put on hold. They had several out-of-town meetings with their programmers and administrative staffs. They were launching a new website that would allow their users to post pictures of their vacations with comments concerning useful information to help others decide if they wanted visit and the best ways to get the most bang out of their buck. They had even built in a way for the participants to interact with each other directly through secure e-mails.

  It had been Nick’s idea to give people an opportunity to share their holiday experiences in real time. Teddy had already lined up a number of advertisers who were on board with the idea just from seeing some of the clips of test travelers they had sent on vacations to various locations throughout the world. It had been expensive, but from the looks of things, well worth it.

  Since this was Nick’s baby, his brother had immersed himself in the details, and having something else to think about instead of his obsession with Brianna, in Toby’s mind, had been a good thing. Regardless of what he had told Nick, he still wasn’t entirely comfortable with bringing Brianna into their world, even though the idea excited him. However, now that they were back in residence in the big house, he knew Nick was chomping at the bit to see her, as were they. He and Teddy had become somewhat obsessed with her themselves, and that was just adding to their desire to see if she were willing to be what they wanted and needed.

  He was contemplating the details of the party when Teddy walked into the kitchen. “I thought I smelled coffee.”

  “I may not be able to boil water, but I know how to brew a good cup of coffee.”

  “And you know how to throw a great party. What’s on the agenda?”

  “I think this one should be a bit smaller, and the scenes should be planned by us and not just a free-for-all like last time. The bullwhip scene, for one, isn’t something I think Brianna needs to be subjected to right away.”

  “Agreed.” Teddy brought his cup of coffee over and sat down across from his brother.

  “I think we should limit the scenes to threesomes and foursomes with the submissive being a woman. We also have to let our guests know that Brianna isn’t for anyone but us. I’ll tell them she is new to this and no one should approach her.”

  “Good idea,” Teddy said. “And how far into the scene should they go?”

  “The crop, cuffs, blindfolds, nipple clamps, clit clamps, and whatever other toys they want to use, but nothing intense.”

  “You know,” Teddy said, “that these scenes, for the most part, precede anal, oral, and vaginal sex. You think Brianna can handle that?”

  “I guess that’s what we want to find out, isn’t it?” Toby asked, looking directly at Teddy, who sat his coffee cup down on the table with a thud.

  “Tell me you’re not having second thoughts about this.” Teddy’s expression was sober.

  “Hell yes, but it’s what we want. We have to find out, and this way she’s close to home and can leave if she wants,” Toby said with a sigh.

  “We don’t know for sure she’s telling the truth about her addiction, and she lives in the carriage house.” Teddy shook his head. “This could be a recipe for disaster.”

  “Nick believes her.”

  “Let’s face it…He’s thinking with his cock.”

  “And what about you?” Toby asked. “You’re the one that had to play devil’s advocate.”

  “I’m not sure what got into me. I guess I was thinking with my cock too. I’m not saying I’m not attracted to her big-time. I just hope we’re not asking for trouble.”

  “What kind of trouble are you two talking about?” Nick asked sauntering into the kitchen, going directly for the pot of coffee, where he poured himself a cup. He turned around and held the cup in his hands. “Which one of you is going to answer me?”

  “We’re talking about Brianna,” Teddy said.

  “I see.” Nick brought the cup to his lips and took a sip of the hot liquid. “You two want to call off the party?”

  “I’m not saying that,” Teddy groaned. “I’m just thinking this could backfire, and if it does, things could get out of hand.”

  “Backfire? Explain.” Nick leaned against the counter and waited.

  Toby knew that look. Nick was ticked off that they hadn’t come to him directly with their concerns. He sat back and decided since Teddy was the one who had brought it up, he’d let him explain it to Nick.

  “What if she’s lying about her addiction? It could be more than painkillers. We don’t really know her, do we, Nick?”

  “No, Teddy, we don’t. But I believe her. I can’t tell you exactly why, but I do. I also think she’s interested enough in us to at least be open to our lifestyle.”

  “I trust your instincts, Nick. I always have,” Teddy said before he stood up and walked over to his brother. “When you invite her to the party, what exactly are you going to tell her about it?”

  “The truth. You think I want her walking in unprepared?”

  “No. I hoped not. I’m still confused, if you want to know the truth. She’s hot. There’s no doubt about that. She appeals to all three of us. It’s just the women we’ve taken together have never been novices.”

  “Maybe it’s time for a change,” Nick answered. “I guess you’re just going to have to trust me on this one.”

  “I do.”

  “Toby?” Nick asked.

  “I trust you too. But before we get too involved in the party planning, I think you better talk to her. If she says no, we’ll still have a party, but the dynamics will be different.”

  “I’m going to call her today and go see her. I wanted to check on the plumbing anyway. The plumber told me things were going along well, but I’d like to see for myself.”

  “Should we go with you?” Toby asked.

  “I think Nick should do this by himself,” Teddy said. “She’s not as comfortable with you and me yet, Toby. We could complicate things.”

  “Maybe.” Toby nodded. “Is that how you see it, Nick?”

  “The three of us together can be pretty formidable. That can be a good thing, but for this, I think less is better. I don’t want her to feel pressured or intimated.”

  Toby knew his brothers were probably right on this one. If she decided to come to the party, he wanted it to be because she wanted to and not because she was afraid to say no to all three of her landlords. Saying no to Nick would be easier.

  He watched as Nick called Brianna. She answered, and when Nick ended the call, he was smiling.

  “She’s up and about and told me to come over.”

  Toby was surprised by how nervous he felt. He
thought he was prepared for her say no, and even though it would be best if she did, he realized with sudden clarity that he wanted her to say yes.

  When Nick left, Teddy poured both of them another cup of coffee. He didn’t have to be a mind reader to know that Teddy was as worked up he was…The set of his jaw said it all.

  “She most probably will say no,” Teddy said meeting his brother’s eyes.

  “I know. But Nick very rarely reads people wrong. Here’s to Nick,” Toby said raising his cup. “Let’s hope he’s right.”

  Chapter Six

  Brianna finished washing her breakfast dishes and let them air-dry in the strainer. She couldn’t help but feel nervous. It had been over two weeks since she had seen Nick or, for that matter, Toby and Teddy. From what Nick said on the phone, he was coming over by himself. He would probably just check on the plumbing and leave. She was pretty sure the plumber, Mr. Harper, had done a good job. All the pipes under the sink had been replaced, as well as the ones in the bathroom. He had even replaced the bathroom vanity. At least now when she took a shower, she didn’t hear strange noises anymore.

  She planned to go to a meeting in about an hour, so she had applied makeup and combed her long blond hair so it fell long around her shoulders. The pink blouse she was wearing was fitted, and the black pants she had chosen hugged her figure. She wanted to look nice. It wasn’t like she was looking to be admired, but she felt if she looked a certain way, it made her feel more in control and better able to be in a position to help others.

  The door chimes signaled Nick’s arrival. She opened the door, and for a moment it was like she was seeing him for the first time again. Uncontrollable desire swept through her with the force of a freight train, leaving her feeling weak and a bit dazed.

  “Are you going to ask me in?” he asked and then smiled.

  “Of course,” she stammered, moving aside for him to enter.

  Walking ahead of her, he went right to the kitchen and got down on his knees to inspect the pipes under the sink.

  “Everything look in order?” she asked coming up behind him.

  He didn’t answer her right away, but when he did finally stand up, he said, “Yes. He did a good job. I’d like to check the bathroom too.”

  Brianna nodded and showed him up the stairs and into the small bathroom off her bedroom. She watched quietly as he took his time turning on all the faucets and checking under the new vanity.

  “Have you heard any more noises?”

  “No. None.”

  “Good. He replaced the pipes out to the street too.”

  “I was without water for a few days, but letting me use your bathroom was a big help. Thanks for leaving your key in my mailbox. I have it downstairs. Don’t let me forget to give it back to you.”

  “I couldn’t leave you without water. And since we were out of town, I thought you wouldn’t mind using one of our bathrooms.”

  “Thank you.”

  He turned and walked back down the stairs, then stood at the bottom of the staircase, waiting for her, his eyes watching her intently. She couldn’t tear her gaze from his even though she suddenly felt shy and unsure of herself

  “I have something I wanted to ask you. Do you have a few minutes?” he asked, his eyes continuing to hold hers.

  The impact of having him so close was sending her libido into full gear. She needed to calm down and regain control of her emotions. She had thought not seeing him or his brothers for two weeks would settle her wayward imaginings down, but obviously that was not the case.

  “I have a meeting I need to leave for in a little while…”

  “This shouldn’t take long,” Nick said and smiled broadly, showing even white teeth. “Let’s sit, shall we?”

  She followed him to the sofa, where he sat down and motioned for her to sit down next to him as if this were his home and not hers. Wishing to put some distance between them, she moved to sit down on the chair.

  “Please, sit beside me. I don’t bite.”

  Why did he have to say that? Her overactive imagination had gone right to his mouth and what it would feel like to have him taking her nipples between his teeth the way she had seen him do to that woman at the pool. Reining in her wayward thoughts, she nodded. The last thing she wanted him to think was that she was afraid of him.

  “We would like you to come to our next party,” he said softly, leaning in closer to her.

  “You’re kidding,” she choked out. “You said you didn’t want me to.”

  “I’ve had some time to think about what I said, and I only said that because I didn’t think you were ready.”

  “And you think I’m ready now,” she said somewhat flippantly. It still hurt that he had been so adamant about her not attending.

  “I hope you are,” he said softly, leaning even further into her, his fingers moving to her chin, which he held lightly upward so she was looking directly into his eyes.

  She felt like an animal caught in a snare with no way out. She couldn’t look away from him, nor did she want to.

  “There are a few things you need to know that when I tell you will help you understand why our parties are probably like no other party you’ve ever attended.”

  “What are you going to do,” she said sharply, “tell me all the reasons why a recovering addict shouldn’t go to parties?”

  “From what you’ve told us, that shouldn’t be a problem. We’re not serving painkillers. However, our parties aren’t without pain.”

  She felt herself stiffen. He didn’t want her to come to the party unless she knew exactly what kind of a party she was walking into. There would be no pretense of innocence on her part., He wanted her eyes wide open, and if she wanted it the way she thought she did, there would be no denying her true nature. The thought frightened her.

  “Tell me,” she breathed, knowing this was the moment she had been waiting for since she had watched him and his brothers with that woman at the pool.

  “My brothers and I enjoy taking a woman together. We find it to be the most intoxicating and satisfying sex we’ve ever had. Having three men pleasure you is something you have to experience to fully appreciate.”

  “I see.”

  “No, I don’t think you do, or you wouldn’t be taking this quite so calmly. We want to fuck you, Brianna, all at the same time. Do you know what that means?”

  She blinked. “I think so.”

  “Have you ever been with more than one man before?” he asked suddenly, his body tense, his gaze intense.

  “No. Never.”

  “You don’t seem surprised by what I’m telling you. I thought you would be looking at me like I had three heads, pardon the pun.”

  She closed her eyes. She should tell him, but it would be embarrassing to admit she had watched him and brothers having sex with that woman.

  “What do you know?” he asked more sharply. “Talk to me, Brianna.”

  “I saw you,” she whispered, “the night of the party. You and your brothers were with that woman who was dancing naked in your lap.”

  “Open your eyes,” he commanded, “and tell me what else you saw.”

  She opened her eyes as she bit her lip nervously. “Please,” she whimpered. “I can’t say it.”

  “Yes, you can, and you will, Brianna, because it’s what I want, and it’s what you need. Tell me, and leave nothing out.”

  “You kissed her, and your brothers spanked her. She liked it. I could tell she wanted more. They kept taking turns spanking her while you played with her.”

  “How did you feel watching us?”

  She licked her lips and tried to pull away. What did he want from her, a true confession? Wasn’t it enough that he knew she had watched?

  She felt his fingers leave her chin as she was hauled onto his lap. She gasped as she felt his hard cock rub against her crotch. She moaned softly.

  “Tell me how you felt,” he said more forcefully.

  “You know how I felt,” she choked out.

  With a sudden twist, she was lying across his lap with her butt in the air. “What are you doing?” she cried out as the palm of his hand came down hard across the cheeks of her ass. She felt her pussy contract as the ache inside her increased. Again and again his hand found her, making her cry out in pain and pleasure. When he stopped, she was breathless and hornier than she had ever been in her life.

  Hauling her body upward, he held her in her arms, kissing away her tears. “How do you feel, Brianna?”

  “I want more,” she said, looking down, not able to meet his eyes.

  “Is that how you felt when you watched me and my brothers? You wanted us to do that to you?”

  “Yes,” she said barely above a whisper.

  “And that night when I caught you swimming naked, you were so angry that I was watching you. Why?”

  “I had every right to be angry,” she said raising her head to look at him. “I didn’t know you.”“And you had every right to be angry. I was way out of line. But I’ll never be sorry I saw you. Right then I knew I had to have you.”

  “And your brothers?” she asked. “Do they want me too?”

  “Yes, they do. Very much. It’s just we weren’t sure you would want us together and that you would be able to submit to our needs. We do more than just spank. The party we want you to attend will show you what we need from a woman. Will you come?”

  “When is the party?”

  “Next Saturday.”

  “You’re still hard,” she said, looking down at the bulge in his pants. “Do you think you can wait that long?”

  “Are you hot for me, Brianna? Did that spanking make you want my cock inside you?”

  “Yes,” she said reaching down to rub his swollen cock.

  “No.” He pushed her hand away. “You have so much to learn. Patience is your first lesson.”

  “You mean you’re going to make me wait until Saturday?”

  “Exactly.” He smiled before he kissed her nose and moved her reluctant body over to the sofa and away from his lap. “It will be difficult for me too, but well worth it. I want you to experience the different scenes that will be played out at the party. You need to know what you’re getting into.”