Catering to Three
Catering to Three
Julie Larson is ready to change her life. Moving to San Francisco to partner with her friend Kelly in her catering business is a huge step toward making that happen. Venturing to expand the business, Julie takes on an event that introduces her to Noah Jamison, Keith Barns, and Mark Romano, three men who take more than a friendly interest in her catering skills.
Encouraged by her giving nature, they introduce her to a lifestyle she had always thought was taboo. To her chagrin, her body craves being taken by three men at the same time. She luxuriates in the kind of happiness she didn’t think existed.
However, a woman hell-bent on tearing Julie from the men she loves threatens all that is dear to her and forces her hand. She runs from her new life, including the three men she didn’t think she could live without. When she realizes everything she thought she knew has changed, she wonders if she can change, too, or is it too late for her?
Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre
Length: 59,910 words
Kalissa Alexander
Siren Publishing, Inc.
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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting
Copyright © 2012 by Kalissa Alexander
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-054-4
First E-book Publication: December 2012
Cover design by Harris Channing
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Siren Publishing, Inc.
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Copyright © 2012
Chapter One
Julie locked the front door behind her and sat down on the porch steps of what used to be her house. It had been sold to a young couple with two children who were moving in tomorrow. She looked down at the manila envelope in her hand that held her copy of the settlement papers. Her life there really was over.
She heard her cell phone ringing and reached into her pocket. She had a feeling who was calling before she saw her friend Kelly’s name across the display.
“I thought you might be calling.”
“What are you doing?” Kelly’s voice had an uplifting lilt to it that was comforting, especially now.
“I’m just sitting here on what used to be my front steps waiting for a taxi and feeling sorry for myself.”
“I knew this would be a difficult day for you. Just wanted to offer my support even if it’s long distance and to say…” she practically shouted, “I can’t wait for you to get here!”
“Me, too.”
“Chad was there to sign the papers and everything, right? He didn’t send a proxy, did he?”
“No, he didn’t. He was in town and he was there. The sale went smoothly, and the couple buying the house seems real nice. Chad was his charming self. He’s a decent guy. I’m just as much to blame for what happened as he is.”
“I know. You keep saying that, but you have to admit, being an absentee husband is no way to keep a marriage going.”
“It’s over and it was amicable. Chad and I both need to move on.”
“I have a call on another line,” Kelly said. “Hold on. I’ll be right back. Don’t hang up.”
Kelly was right about Chad not being there. But it hadn’t always been like that. He had been so attentive in the beginning, but then he had taken a job as a pharmaceutical sales representative that required he be away more than he was home. Her own job as a manager of a large catering firm demanded long hours, and with Chad being gone so much, it had been easy to increase them. Sadly they both had careers they had devoted more time to than each other. An overwhelming sense of loss brought tears to eyes.
She knew what Kelly had been hinting at. She thought Chad had another woman. Julie had never broached the subject of infidelity with her husband, but she, too, had thought Chad may have been doing more than just working when he was away. Maybe he had been waiting for her to voice her unhappiness that he was hardly ever home and less than attentive when he was finally sleeping in their bed. But she hadn’t, and even when they had talked divorce, she still hadn’t confronted him.
She could see now that her marriage had mirrored her parents’, except they had stayed together. Two people living in the same house because it suited their purposes and not because they were in love. Only with her and Chad, there were no children to use as an excuse to stay together. For that she should be thankful.
The sound of Kelly’s voice on the other end of the line brought her back to the present.
“Well, you’re moving on, and that’s what’s important. I can’t tell you how excited I am that we’re partners. With your exceptional cooking skills and experience working for Maurice, we’re going to have the most successful catering business in San Francisco. And the new store is just what we need to help make it happen. I can’t wait to move the business out of my kitchen.”
“Your kitchen is almost as big as the first floor of my house. But I have to agree, the new store is going to provide the workspace we need once the renovations are complete.”
“Believe me, I’m on the contractor to make sure he keeps to the schedule. He probably hates to see me walk in the door.”<
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“Good. That’s what you need to do. On another note, I’m beginning to think the taxi driver must have gotten lost. He should have been here already.”
“He’s probably stuck in traffic or something. Oh, and I also wanted to tell you that the storage company called me to say that all your stuff arrived safely. They tried calling you, but your phone was shut off. I told them you were settling on your house.”
“That’s good to hear. I’ll call them tomorrow and set up a time to go over everything.” Julie looked up and smiled. Alison Mason, her next-door neighbor, was walking toward her.
“Kelly, I’m going to have to go. One of my neighbors is coming. I’ll call you when I arrive, okay?”
“Okay. See you soon.”
Julie ended the call just as Alison sat down on the step next to her.
“Julie. I’m so glad I caught you before you left.” She placed her hand softly on Julie’s shoulder. “I thought you had already left when I was looking out my window and saw you.”
“I should have been gone an hour ago, but it’s harder to leave than I thought it would be.”
“I understand. I know things didn’t end well, but there were good times here, too, and I enjoyed having both you and Chad as my neighbors.”
“Thank you, Alison,” Julie said, feeling unwanted tears building once again. “I enjoyed having you next door, too. I’ll miss you.”
“For what it’s worth,” Alison said as she put her arm around Julie, “I think you have a lot of courage to just to pick up and move to San Francisco like you’re doing. I admire you. I’m not sure I would be able to do the same if I were in your shoes. But then, I’m a few years older than you.”
Julie smiled wanly. “I don’t feel very courageous. I just keep praying I’ve made the right decision.”
“Well, from everything you’ve told me, your friend Kelly’s catering business needed a shot of capital and you were looking for a way to make a change in your life. Becoming partners suited you both.”
“I know you’re right. It’s just that this feels like home.”
“It has been, but now you’re moving to a new home. Sort of like when you left your parents’ for the first time. Scary, but exciting.”
Her thoughts returned to her parents. When she finally called to tell them her marriage was over, they had been surprised, but there had been no mention of her moving back home. They simply assumed she had made a life for herself in San Diego and would stay there. It was true, but nevertheless, she had found herself wishing for the invitation.
Laurie, her only sibling, hadn’t even called her. Their once-a-year Christmas card was the extent of their contact. Growing up together in an unhappy house had not brought them closer together. It had only served to act as a wedge between them. For the first time, she thought how nice it would have been to have a sister she could have leaned on for support. Instead, it was Kelly who flew in to hold her hand after Chad moved out and then offered her the opportunity that would help her start over.
The sharp blow of a horn startled Julie.
“Your taxi’s here,” Alison stated. “Looks like I got her here just in time. I’m glad we had a chance to say good-bye, Julie.”
“Me, too, Alison. I’m glad you came over. I should have stopped by to see you, it’s just this whole process has been a bit overwhelming.”
Julie slipped the manila envelope into the zipper compartment of her suitcase before she wheeled it out to the waiting taxi. She and Alison stood on the curb and watched the driver lift it into the trunk of the cab. Julie gave the older woman a final hug.
“Now that we’re Facebook friends,” Alison said, hugging her back, “we should be able to keep in touch easily. And once you’re settled, we can meet up for lunch either here or in San Francisco or somewhere in between.”
Julie nodded. “That would be nice. I’m counting on it.”
The taxi driver opened the door for her. She didn’t miss his appreciative glance when she folded her long legs into the backseat before he closed it behind her. She unrolled the window to say a final good-bye to Alison, who leaned in through the window and whispered, “I think the taxi driver was giving you the eye. Those twenty pounds you lost were in all the right places.”
Alison had been very supportive of her efforts and had even joined her at the gym a few times. “I’m going to miss you.”
As the cab pulled away, Julie thought back to the morning after Chad had left her to move into an apartment near his office. She had woken up in a panic. Without thinking, she had stripped down for her shower, and for the first time in a long time, she had taken a good look at herself in the mirror. She had been shocked at her own reflection. She wasn’t fat, but she wasn’t slim either.
At first, it had been difficult if not downright impossible to walk away from the goodies she prepared and plated, but within a couple weeks, she became better at saying no. When she lost her first five pounds, she had immediately joined a local gym that Alison had suggested. It fit into her schedule perfectly since it was open early in the morning and late at night.
As the scale became her friend, she began to feel better about herself. The weight loss encouraged her to take a look at other aspects of her appearance. In particular, she felt her long brown hair that she usually wore in a bun was long overdue for a change. With her stylist’s help, she decided on layers and painted blonde highlights. She was more than pleased with the result. Her hair was still long, but the more youthful hairstyle had transformed her from a woman who had looked meek and mousy into a woman that appeared confident and sexy to boot.
Julie watched the cab driver, who was whistling a catchy tune, turn toward the freeway. She hoped and prayed she had made the right decision to leave her old life completely behind her along with her marriage. She knew there were no guarantees, but a feeling of excitement fluttered in the pit of her stomach. She settled back in her seat, her eyes focused straight ahead to a future she hoped would be the fresh start she needed.
Chapter Two
“Can you believe it’s been five months since you arrived?” Kelly asked, pulling her curly red hair back into a ponytail she stuffed under a net cap.
Julie smiled. Time had passed quickly since she had landed on Kelly’s doorstep. So quickly in fact, she had little time to think about the life she had left behind in San Diego. Between working with their clients, helping to supervise the renovations on their new store, and finding an apartment, she had been too busy to dwell on the past.
She didn’t regret the divorce that she knew now had been inevitable or leaving San Diego. Now, more than ever, she was convinced the changes she had made in her life were for the best. Even though it still hurt that her marriage had failed, she knew in time she would be able to put it behind her. She promised herself she would do whatever was necessary to ensure their business was a success. She wasn’t about to give into another failure in her life.
Julie turned to Kelly. “I can’t believe it either. I feel like we need more hours in the day. But I’m not complaining. I love it, and I love you for bringing me into your business.”
“It’s your business, too. We’re partners. I knew you might be the only person on the planet that I could do this with. My instincts were right.”
Julie had always known they had a special bond. And yet, it still amazed at how easily everything had come together. It wasn’t like they had to work at getting along or sharing ideas. It just happened without forethought. Whether it was picking out the appliances for the new store, the color of the flooring, or a new recipe, they were in tune with what the other was thinking. On occasion, they had differing opinions, but they always made it work.
Even their customers felt their connection. A few of them thought they were sisters. Not that they looked that much alike, since Kelly was a boney five foot eight with a ruddy complexion that went with her red hair and green eyes. Julie, on the other hand, was a curvy five foot four, with a pale complexion, blue eyes, and blon
de hair. It was their friendliness and sense of style, along with how well they handled last-minute details with ease, that made them appear more like siblings than just friends.
“I got a call from a new client late yesterday,” Kelly said while sliding a pan of muffins in the oven, “and I was hoping you wouldn’t mind meeting with her today. She’s the personal assistant to a man named Noah Jamison. He owns his own Internet publishing firm, and he’s having a party at his house. We were recommended by another client.”
“That’s great. I’d love to do it. What time is the meeting?”
“It’s at two o’clock and it’s at his house. Jackie, the woman I spoke to, thought it would be good for you to get a look at the venue. She gave me a brief outline of what they’re looking for. I already made a file.”
“I’ll look it over when I get back from setting up the breakfast order for The Barn. I could let Pamela go herself, but last time, she forgot a few things, and I just want to be sure everything is perfect this time around. Mr. Barnes wasn’t that upset according to his staff, but I don’t like it when that happens.” Julie replaced the muffins Kelly had taken out with two more tins.
“Me either, and Keith Barnes is the one who recommended us to Noah Jamison. Let’s see if we can throw in a few extras for goodwill and as a thank-you for the recommendation,” Kelly said, tasting a spoonful of the new batter she had just mixed. She always taste tested whatever she made, something Julie always did, too. Smiling, she pulled out a new spoon from the drawer that she dipped in the batter and pointed toward Julie.